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2024-07-27 09:07:21 *Mnangagwa Calls For Unity Within Zanu PF To Usher Economic growth* PRESIDENT Emmerson Mnangagwa has urged ruling party Zanu PF members to maintain unity, drive economic growth, and adhere to the party’s Constitution. During his address to the 377th Ordinary Session of the Politburo Wednesday, Mnangagwa also told participants to respect party rules, uphold honesty, integrity and to be principled leaders. ---------- To join our groups follow: --------- “The need to nurture an unflinching sense of respect for our party Constitution must always be emphasised. “Adherence to principle, honesty, and integrity must remain the hallmark of party leaders and the membership in general,” he said. Earlier this month, Mnangagwa reiterated that he will not seek to go beyond his second and final term in office. Speaking to party supporters in Mutare where he commissioned a fruit and water-processing plant at Mutare Teachers’ College, he said the party’s Constitution dictates that after every five years, there will be a Congress to choose a President who will have two five-year terms. Mnangagwa reiterated that he had already completed his initial five-year term and is currently serving his final term. Following its completion, the party will convene at Congress to select a successor to carry on his legacy. He commended the people of Zimbabwe for preserving unity, peace, and development, and urged party leaders to be knowledgeable about macro-economic trends to educate membership effectively. “We have talked enough, and now demand concrete results. Zanu PF remains preoccupied with the politics of development and lifting many of our people out of poverty into prosperity. “Let us strive to see our party renewed, enriched, growing, and becoming stronger,” he said. Mnangagwa highlighted the success stories of the party, including the recent Zimbabwe Irrigation Investment Conference, which injected over US$200 million into expanding the country’s irrigation infrastructure. “Community engagements and mobilisation at grassroots level must be a source of inspiration and motivation towards entrepreneurship, practical action, increased production, and productivity that accelerates the attainment of Vision 2030.” However, the President noted that indications are that all economic sectors are growing, except the current slump in the agriculture sector, which is a result of the El Nino induced drought. “Our ZANU PF-led government is scaling up programmes and projects to build greater climate change resilience, adaptation and mitigation,” the octogenarian leader noted. *NewZW*
2024-07-27 09:07:05 *Mabvuku Councillor Accused Of Corruptly Leasing Council Property* Mabvuku Ward 21 Councillor Alexio Nyakudya of the Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) is under scrutiny for allegedly taking over a council bar in his ward and subdividing it into 30 compartments for leasing. This information emerged during the Commission of Inquiry into Harare City Council governance, led by Retired High Court Judge Justice Maphios Cheda. ---------- To join our groups follow: --------- The commission heard that Nyakudya leased out these compartments at rates ranging from US$100 to US$900 monthly. It is estimated that Nyakudya could have collected nearly US$50,000 from just one tenant over the past four years—funds that were supposed to support the financially strained local authority. Reports indicate that Harare City Council had not collected any revenue from its 130 beer halls for 13 years, with three bars, including Hunter Bar in Mabvuku, being sold under questionable circumstances. Councillor Nyakudya is accused of having illegally acquired the Hunter Bar. One tenant, Ms. Brenda Saurenda, testified that she paid US$300 monthly directly to Nyakudya without receiving any receipts. She expressed concerns about the lack of documentation but felt intimidated to question the arrangement. Another tenant, Mr. Dominic Kufandirori, reported paying Nyakudya US$1,600, which included a deposit, to secure operating space. Councillor Nyakudya admitted to the unprocedural acquisition of the property, stating, “I did not write much in the letter other than to say I want this place.” The commission's findings highlight ongoing issues of corruption and mismanagement within the Harare City Council.
2024-07-27 09:06:53 *Zimbabweans Happy With ZiG Performance As Inflation & Exchange Rate Stabilize: RBZ Governor* RESERVE Bank Governor, John Mushayavanhu claims Zimbabweans are happy with the performance of the new local currency, the Zimbabwe Gold (ZiG) as shown by stability in the inflation and exchange rate figures. According to Mushayavanhu, the inflation rate decreased to 33.6% in June from 49.7% in May 2024 averaging 42.78% from 2009 until this year. ---------- To join our groups follow: --------- RBZ statistics have indicated that the inflation rate reached an all time high of 785.5% in May 2020 and a record low of -7.5% in December 2009. Mushayavanhu is building up the nation’s gold reserves to help support the ZiG currency, taking steps that have so far helped curb exchange-rate volatility and an inflation spiral. “We met with the Budget and Finance Parly committee today (Monday) and the purpose of the meeting was for them to understand how the Central Bank operates, so we gave them a presentation on various activities and divisions through which we operate and they quite appreciated the presentation. “There was a robust question where they wanted to understand how the Monetary Policy Statement on the 5th of September 2023 is performing and I am pleased to say that everyone is happy that our currency is stable and we have managed to contain inflation and we have also managed to keep the exchange rate stable,’’ Mushayavanhu said. The governor said the committee urged RBZ to consult Parliament before announcing any monetary policies in future. Parliamentarians quizzed the RBZ chief over the launch of the ZiG in April this year alleging they were not consulted. Harare West MP Joanna Mamombe refused to support the governor’s policy statement and Mushayavanhu said, “he would work with those who were willing to do so.’’ Despite lack of trust from the public and some private sectors and the opposition bench in Parliament then, the ZIG has firmed though not readily available on the market. Going forward, the governor said, “the committee urged consultation is key and each time we are due to review any Monetary Policy Statement, we should always ensure that we engage with parliamentarians and the committee which we fully agree with, and we are going to make that happen,’’ said Mushayavanhu. The RBZ boss has committed not to print any ZiG unless the Central Bank has the reserves to back it, as past currency collapses were linked to increased money supply as the apex bank issued debt to finance government spending. *NewZW*
2024-07-27 09:06:44 *Five Cops Face Murder After Taking Turns To Assault Theft Suspect* Five Selous police officers face murder after they used electric cables and open hands in repeated attacks of a woman from whom they were trying to induce confession for allegedly stealing US$100 from one of them. ---------- To join our groups follow: --------- The police officers are named in court papers as Gerald Mupandawana Makore, 38, Nicola Kadonzvo, 28, Judith Mangando, 45, Tafadzwa Gerald Madzima, 22, and Tavonga Munoda who is aged 21. The deceased assault victim was named as Ruvimbo Kamugwala. Prosecutors claim that on 17 July 2024, at Plot 26 Parl, Selous, the now deceased Ruvimbo Kamugwala was tasked by Kadonzvo to clean her home at Plot 26 Parl, Selous. Kadonzvo later discovered her US$100 that was in her house was missing. “She teamed up with the first (Makore) and third accused person (Mangando) and started interrogating the now deceased,” reads a statement by the National Prosecuting Authority (NPA). “They assaulted her with switches, electric cables and open hands.” They were joined at a police base to attack the now deceased by Madzima and Munoda who allegedly used a button stick, forcing her to confess she stole and gave the money to a friend who however denied the allegations when approached. The now deceased later said that she had hidden the money at her home but nothing was also found. This led to further acts of assault which ended with the police officers detaining her for theft. “The now-deceased died the following morning as the first and second accused persons were dragging her to consult a prophet,” NPA said. The murder accused police officers were all brought before a Norton magistrate who remanded them in custody to 1 August 2024. They were advised to apply for bail at the High Court. *ZimLive*
2024-07-27 09:06:34 *Zimbabwe’s PVO Bill Seen As Strategic Move To Restrict Civil Society* Efforts by President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s administration to advance the Private Voluntary Organisations Amendment (PVO) Bill are viewed by critics as a calculated attempt to tighten control over civil society, particularly in light of a weakened opposition. Introduced in 2021, the PVO Bill was initially presented as a measure to combat money laundering and the financing of terrorism, allegedly targeting NGOs funded by Western entities. ---------- To join our groups follow: --------- However, the bill has sparked significant opposition from civic rights groups and legal experts who argue that it is a strategic move to suppress dissent and restrict civil society. The legislation mandates that NGOs submit detailed work plans to the government, ostensibly to regulate their activities. This directive was struck down by the High Court three years ago, following a legal challenge by the Zimbabwe Human Rights NGO Forum and the Crisis in Zimbabwe Coalition. The groups contended that the government's efforts to regulate civil society were unconstitutional. In the period since, Mnangagwa’s administration has faced scrutiny for using legal tactics to undermine the opposition, particularly the Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC), previously led by Nelson Chamisa. This approach, often referred to as "lawfare," involves weaponizing the legal system to stifle opposition and dissent. One notable example is the Patriotic Act, enacted last year, which imposes harsh penalties on citizens involved in discussions about sanctions or planning to challenge the government. This law has been criticized for infringing on constitutional rights and limiting freedom of expression. Following the 2023 elections, which were criticized by observer missions from the Southern African Development Community (SADC), European Union (EU), Commonwealth, and the United States, Speaker of Parliament Jacob Mudenda approved an application to recall numerous CCC legislators. This move led to by-elections that saw the ruling Zanu PF party secure a two-thirds majority in Parliament. Despite this consolidation of power, Mnangagwa's administration has struggled to address concerns surrounding the Forever Associates Zimbabwe (Faz), an NGO linked to the Central Intelligence Organisation (CIO) and accused of influencing election outcomes in favor of Zanu PF. A recent report by the US-based investigative organization Sentry highlighted Faz’s alleged role in funding Zanu PF and intimidating voters. According to Sentry, the CIO significantly increased its spending on vehicles before the elections, raising concerns about their potential use in voter intimidation. The PVO Bill has reached its final reading stages in Parliament, and recent public consultations on the bill have been marred by disruptions from Zanu PF members. Last year, Mnangagwa referred the bill back to Parliament, leading to speculation that the government might reconsider its stance. Legal watchdog Veritas at the time criticized the bill as an affront to constitutional principles, though the reasons for Mnangagwa’s referral remain unclear. Political analysts have condemned the PVO Bill as a draconian measure aimed at stifling civil society. Reuben Mbofana described the bill as "draconian," noting that its mere existence has deterred potential donors and hindered the operations of humanitarian organizations. Rashweat Mukundu added that the bill represents a broader strategy to dismantle civil society organizations perceived as opposing the Zanu PF government or advocating for regime change. As the PVO Bill progresses through Parliament, it remains a contentious issue, reflecting ongoing tensions between the Zimbabwean government and civil society. Critics argue that the bill represents a significant threat to the operational freedom of NGOs and a further step in the erosion of democratic space in Zimbabwe.
2024-07-27 09:06:22 *Mutasa Defiant as Parliament Demands ZIFA Normalisation Committee's Resignation* ZIMBABWE Football Association (ZIFA) Normalisation Committee chairman Lincoln Mutasa remains defiant saying he will not resign despite mounting pressure from Parliament. This follows his recent appearance before the Parliamentary Portfolio Committee on Sports, Arts and Culture, where Mutasa, alongside ZIFA CEO, Yvone Manwa and committee member Nyasha Sanyamandwe, had a dismal show, failing to adequately explain their mandate in overseeing the country’s football. ---------- To join our groups follow: --------- During the hearing chaired by Mhondoro-Mubaira MP Chamu Chiwanza, Mutasa struggled to articulate the committee’s achievements since appointment last year. He admitted having never attended a Premier Soccer League (PSL) match, which further infuriated the Parliamentary Committee. Chiwanza said Mutasa should resign from the Normalisation Committee. Mutasa, whose tenure as the chairman was extended by FIFA recently, said he will not quit. “FIFA is the one that engaged us to come and lead this normalisation. We have been reporting to them every month. Although MPs are interested in all of us leaving office, I believe we still have a job to complete this mandate and this job is basically to conduct elections…,” said Mutasa. FIFA tasked the NC to restore stability to Zimbabwean football after years of mismanagement. The NC has overseen a turbulent year with stagnation and failure to depart from the past maladministration. Zimbabwe national teams are without permanent head coaches with chopping and changing of temporary coaches. Innocent Benza, a Parliamentary Committee member, said the Mutasa led NC lacks seriousness in tackling problems bedeviling local football. “My main worry is that some of the bad images we get as Zimbabwe are coming from football. We have people who are not serious with football. Even the issue of stadiums failing to be homologated does not necessarily have to do with substandard stadiums, it is showing that lack of commitment from our chief drivers. “We have serious problems with our current NC which is quick to blame the previous ZIFA board but they themselves do not do anything since they were appointed. “I am sorry to say Mr Mutasa does not understand what season went and it got finished and another one is halfway, and he was actually saying the PSL season is not yet over. We lack seriousness,” said Benza. *NewZW*
2024-07-27 09:06:11 *Zimbabwe To Receive Touring Fee From ECB For 2025 Visit* Zimbabwe will become the first country to be paid a “touring fee” by the host board in bilateral cricket when they travel to England in the 2025 summer for a two-Test series. That development was confirmed by ECB chief executive Richard Gould on Friday during a chat on Sky Sports during the first day’s play of the Edgbaston Test. ---------- To join our groups follow: --------- It was Gould who, speaking to the Final World podcast last year, had originally put forth the suggestion that to offset the disparity in revenues earned by various Full Member countries, and ensure the quality of Test cricket remained strong, a collective push was needed. Since then, one solution Gould has recommended and reiterated, including twice this week, is for the host board to pay a fee to travelling teams. “There’s a huge responsibility,” Gould told former England captain Mike Atherton on Sky Sports about need for the ECB and other financially strong boards like the BCCI and Cricket Auustralia to ensure Test cricket is competitive. “When you look at whether it’s the revenue share from the ICC or indeed the revenue share from bilateral cricket, which is fairly old fashioned in truth in the way that it’s delivered. “For example, next year Zimbabwe are coming to tour [England]. Normally the way the things happen is that it’s the touring team gets itself into the country and then it’s looked after in terms of accommodation, all the rest of it. But there’s no fee for that team that’s touring. Next year when we play against Zimbabwe, there will be a fee for that team that’s touring.” The escalating costs of keeping Test cricket healthy in smaller countries, where the value of broadcasting rights has turned negligible especially for the longest format, had prompted CWI CEO Johnny Grave to say the ICC’s revenue-share model was completely broken. Grave was responding to criticism of West Indies sending a second-string Test squad for the two-match Test series in Australia which grabbed headlines after Shamar Joseph levelled the series with a miracle spell of fast bowling on an injured toe at the Gabba. “CWI has spent over 2 million dollars sending teams to Australia in the last four months and whilst CA have received all the economic benefits from those series, we’ve seen zero dollars back,” Grave had told ESPNcricinfo in January. “Is that really fair, reasonable and sustainable?” Gould said weaker boards like CWI had his “sympathy”, but remained optimistic of finding ways to keep them strong. “I had conversations with the West Indies six, nine months back before they arrived, [about] what assistance we can we provide. And it’s interesting because it won’t just be on the Test match cycle. For example, we played an extra two T20s before Christmas in the West Indies [in 2023] in order to help them. “The specific request that came from the West Indies in this for this particular tour is: can you help us with an Under-19 tour at some point so that we can get more of our players getting access red-ball cricket in those [England] conditions? So, it’s not always about the money. It’s, and, and there are different ways of doing it.” Recently speaking at the MCC World Cricket Connects symposium, ECB chair Richard Thompson is believed to have addressed the gathering in the Long Room saying only 4% of the board’s annual income came from ICC revenue distribution, with the majority coming from the broadcast rights for bilateral cricket. Consequently, it was important for the ECB to ensure the level of cricket for players in both men’s and women’s formats was strong – and the opposition competitive. Hence the ECB has to contribute to keeping Test cricket’s pyramid strong. “We need to have really strong competitive cricket both for our men’s teams and our women’s teams across all formats. And therefore, there is a responsibility to ensure that we can share out the value that the game creates in order to keep that going. And that’s recognised by everybody. It’s just how you do it. There are different tactics in play but it is an accepted principle.” *espncricinfo*
2024-07-27 09:06:00 *High Court Dismisses Oliver Mtukudzi's Alleged Son's Application For Surname Change* In a recent ruling, the High Court struck off the roll an application by Aaron Chaka, who claims to be the son of the late music legend Oliver "Tuku" Mtukudzi, seeking to change his surname to Mtukudzi. The decision, made by Justice Fatima Maxwell, underscores the legal complexities surrounding the correction of personal records and the need for concrete evidence in matters of paternity and identity. ---------- To join our groups follow: --------- Aaron Chaka, the applicant in this case, had sought an order compelling the Registrar of Births and Deaths to amend his birth certificate to reflect Mtukudzi as his surname. His application also aimed to remove the name of his presumed father and replace it with that of Mtukudzi. The respondents included the Registrar of Births and Deaths, the late musician’s widow Daisy Mtukudzi, and the Master of the High Court. In her ruling, Justice Maxwell noted that Aaron must first obtain scientific proof confirming that Oliver Mtukudzi is indeed his biological father. This confirmation is essential before any amendments can be made to his birth certificate, which is managed by the Registrar-General. The judge highlighted that the applicant was improperly before the court due to the lack of such verification. The case began when Aaron, through his founding affidavit, recounted a complicated personal history. He claimed that his biological mother, Rose Makumbe, had a relationship with Mtukudzi in 1978. This relationship led to Aaron’s birth on January 3, 1979. However, the couple's separation and the lack of formal registration for their union resulted in difficulties obtaining a birth certificate for Aaron. Aaron’s affidavit detailed that his mother later married Josiah Chaka, who took on the role of his father. Josiah’s name was used on Aaron’s birth certificate, which was necessary for his schooling. It was only later, when Aaron was 25, that he learned of his alleged connection to Mtukudzi. In 2010, Aaron met Mtukudzi, who recognized him but passed away before formal introductions to his other children could be arranged. Following Mtukudzi's death, efforts were made by the musician’s family, including Godfrey Mukonowenzou, to rectify Aaron’s records. Despite these efforts, including visits to the Registrar of Births and Deaths and obtaining affidavits, the Registrar insisted that a court order was necessary due to the high-profile nature of the case. Aaron’s case was further complicated by issues related to affidavits and the unavailability of crucial documents. For instance, affidavits from Josiah Chaka’s relatives could not be obtained as Josiah had passed away, and Daisy Mtukudzi was reportedly refusing to provide Mtukudzi’s death certificate. Moreover, Aaron argued that a paternity test was unnecessary given the affidavits already provided. Justice Maxwell scrutinized these submissions and concluded that Aaron’s application lacked the required legal and evidentiary support. The judge emphasized that the application was fundamentally flawed, noting that the relevant section under which Aaron approached the court was designed for criminal offenses related to false information on birth registrations. Furthermore, the applicant was found to be a child born out of wedlock, complicating his claim for a surname change. The judge’s ruling highlights the need for more substantial evidence, including scientific proof of paternity, to effect changes to official records. Aaron was advised to obtain a paternity test and further authentic affidavits to substantiate his claims. The court’s decision to strike the matter off the roll was accompanied by a directive for Aaron to pursue these avenues before returning to the Registrar-General for any potential corrections.
2024-07-27 08:28:36 *CCC Activists' Continued Detention Sparks Debate In UK Parliamen* BRITISH liberal democrats peer, Lord John Oates, Thursday brought the ongoing human rights violations in Zimbabwe to the attention of the United Kingdom (UK) Parliament. While fielding questions in the House of Lords, Oates urged the UK government to firmly convey to President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s government its solidarity with the 77 incarcerated Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) activists and to pressure the octagenarian for their release. ---------- To join our groups follow: --------- “My Lords, does the Minister agree that respect for human rights and the rule of law are key pillars of any free society, both at home and abroad? “The government will be aware of the brutal arrest and detention of Zimbabwean opposition leader Jameson Timba and 78 of his supporters, including a mother with a one-year-old child. They have now been detained for 39 days in appalling conditions and denied their constitutional right to bail by a captured judiciary. “Will the Minister make it clear that the new government stands with all people defending their fundamental rights? Will he ask his ministerial colleagues to strongly convey this message to the government of Zimbabwe?” Oates asked. In response, Justice Minister Lord Ponsonby of Shulbrede said he would take up Oates’ suggestion that the relevant Ministers explicitly state their stance on the significance of human rights globally. “I am not fully informed on that issue, but I will absolutely take up his suggestion that the relevant ministers make clear their position regarding the importance of human rights in all parts of the world, and in the example he gave as well.” The activists were arrested on June 16 this year for allegedly participating in an unsanctioned gathering and disorderly conduct. Since then, they have been denied bail twice by the courts. Meanwhile, some Zimbabweans in the UK, including CCC activists and human rights organisations, petitioned the British Prime Minister last week to put pressure on Mnangagwa to secure their release. *NewZW*
2024-07-27 04:54:26 *Acquire Passports & Regularise Your Stay, Zimbabwe Tells Citizens Based In South Africa* The government of Zimbabwe has urged its citizens based in different parts of South Africa to prioritise acquiring official documents to regularise their stay and to meet the legal requirements of their host nation. ---------- To join our groups follow: --------- On Thursday IOL attended the official opening of the new consulate building of Zimbabwe in Johannesburg, situated in Bruma. Zimbabwe’s Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Trade, Frederick Makamure Shava told the gathering that the new consulate will be issuing passports, including e-passports, and birth certificates which enables Zimbabweans resident in South Africa to acquire documentation. “On June 18, 2024, in this building, we commenced the rollout of the e-passport delivery platform to our nationals abroad and I am happy that we started in South Africa. I am pleased to inform you that the system trial run that we conducted on e-passports was a tremendous success. “The e-passport processing centre housed in this building enables Zimbabwean nationals here in South Africa to apply for, and obtain this critical document much more conveniently, and quickly – without the middle man. The trial run ends today with the official launch of the project. The centre has successfully processed a total of 2,146 e-passport applications,” said Shava in his keynote address. “Fellow Zimbabweans in South Africa, I urge you to access these services and ensure that you have the required documentation to reside and work in this country. By respecting and abiding by the laws of this country, you will be contributing immensely to the good name and image of Zimbabwe, here and beyond, particularly, given the ties between Zimbabwe and the Republic of South Africa.” Meanwhile, Zimbabwe’s Minister of Home Affairs and Cultural Heritage, Kazembe Kazembe told attendees at the glamorous event that the e-passports centre established in Joburg was a first for Zimbabwe’s missions across the world. “The Ministry of Home Affairs and Cultural Heritage, through the civil registry department, has embarked on a programme to decentralise e-passport services, and this flagship initiative resonates well with the objective to modernise the economy through the use of ICT (information and communication technology) and digital technology as we run towards the attainment of Vision 2030,” said Kazembe. “His Excellency, the President, Dr ED (Emmerson Dambudzo) Mnangagwa directed that we take the services to our people living beyond our borders. In fact, he mentioned this a couple of years ago. Today we are here to fulfil that directive, to ensure that no place and no one is left behind.” *IOL*
2024-07-27 04:54:16 *Harare City Officials Remain In Custody As Bail Ruling Delayed* Harare City Town Clerk Hosiah Chisango and principal contracts administrator Artwell Mandaza will spend the weekend in jail following a deferred bail ruling. The decision on their bail, initially expected to be announced today, has been postponed until Tuesday next week. ---------- To join our groups follow: --------- The State opposed bail, citing concerns that Chisango and Mandaza pose a flight risk and might interfere with ongoing investigations. In a hearing before Harare Magistrate Mrs. Marehwanazvo Gofa, State prosecutor Mr. Lancelotte Mutsokoti presented evidence to support these claims. Witness and investigating officer Owen Mutembwa testified that Chisango, as the City of Harare’s accounting officer, is well-acquainted with some of the witnesses and could potentially disrupt the investigation. He also alleged that Chisango had attempted to conceal tender documents related to the case. Mutembwa further revealed that Mandaza had taken possession of crucial procurement documents after becoming aware of the investigation. This act, Mutembwa argued, suggested that Mandaza might have information on the missing file and raised concerns about his reliability as a bail candidate. Both Chisango and Mandaza face charges of criminal abuse of office. The State contends that their release on bail could disrupt public order and hinder the investigation. The magistrate’s decision to delay the bail ruling means the two officials will remain in custody over the weekend as the court considers the State’s arguments.
2024-07-27 04:54:04 *CZI Warns Of Economic Risks Due To Foreign Currency Shortages* The Confederation of Zimbabwe Industries (CZI) has issued a stark warning about the critical shortage of foreign currency in Zimbabwe, highlighting how this scarcity endangers exchange rate stability and inflation control. The industry body’s June update on inflation and currency developments reveals that businesses are struggling to access the foreign currency needed for retooling and recapitalisation, which is forcing some to operate below capacity. ---------- To join our groups follow: --------- According to CZI, while the official exchange rate for the Zimbabwe Gold (ZiG) remains relatively stable, the real issue lies in obtaining foreign currency through the willing buyer-willing seller platform. “There is not enough foreign currency to meet business demand,” the report states. It emphasizes that the available foreign currency largely comes from surrender requirements, with the government being the primary seller and businesses the buyers. The report suggests creating additional demand for the ZiG, such as through tax payments, to encourage holders of US dollars to liquidate their currency to meet statutory obligations. This would help address the foreign currency shortage and stabilize the exchange rate. The CZI also notes that the official ZiG exchange rate depreciated by 1% from April to June 2024, shifting from 13.56 to 13.70 per US dollar. This depreciation has been linked to a rise in the local inflation rate from -2.4% in May to 0.0% in June, indicating that effective exchange rate management is crucial for controlling inflation. Former Employers Confederation of Zimbabwe president Israel Murefu stressed the urgency of addressing the foreign currency supply issue. He suggested that improving the availability of foreign currency requires increasing exports and leveraging remittances from the diaspora, though these sources are currently limited. The CZI report also analyzed inflation drivers, noting that inflation for electrical appliances and electricity remains high, while motor vehicles and newspapers have seen fluctuations in their inflation rates. The year-on-year USD inflation for June 2024 increased slightly to 3.8%, up from 3.5% in May, but remains relatively stable compared to historical levels. The CZI called on authorities to address the foreign currency shortage and manage inflation effectively, highlighting the need for policies that support economic stability and growth.
2024-07-26 19:44:30 *Govt Cracks Down On Harare City Council As Corruption Scandal Unfolds* The Zimbabwean government has taken decisive action against Harare City Council (HCC), prohibiting the local authority from conducting workshops outside the capital, citing concerns over financial mismanagement This directive was revealed by Harare's mayor, Jacob Mafume, during a council meeting at Town House yesterday. ---------- To join our groups follow: --------- According to Mafume, a circular from Local Government and Public Works Minister Daniel Garwe mandated that any workshops held beyond Harare require government approval. The move aims to curb what is perceived as wasteful expenditure of ratepayers’ funds. "The government is insisting that such workshops be approved to ensure financial accountability," Mafume stated. He assured that the council would adhere to the directive, emphasizing the council's commitment to protecting residents' interests. In a dramatic turn of events, the council’s town clerk, Hosiah Chisango, was arrested by the Zimbabwe Anti-Corruption Commission (ZACC) on fraud charges. Chisango, who appeared in court yesterday, is accused of awarding a tender to a company with questionable credentials, further exacerbating the council’s credibility issues. Mafume commented on the matter, expressing concern over the nature of the company, which he claimed had a name more reminiscent of a music group than a legitimate electricity supplier. In addition to Chisango's arrest, Mafume disclosed that Chisango’s residence had recently been bombed, raising serious concerns about the security of senior council officials. "We have requested the human resources department to enhance the security of our top officials," Mafume said, noting his personal sense of vulnerability amid the turmoil. Chisango’s legal troubles extend to accusations that he improperly awarded a tender for the city’s streetlights rehabilitation program. The project, intended to prepare for the upcoming Southern African Development Community (SADC) Summit, saw a controversial decision where the tender was allegedly given to Juluka Endo Joint Venture, despite the company's previous disqualification for failing to meet project requirements. Prosecutor Lancelot Mutsokoti outlined that the procurement process was breached, with Chisango and Mandaza circumventing standard procedures and potentially falsifying documents. Chisango and Mandaza are facing severe scrutiny, with allegations that they might interfere with witnesses and manipulate evidence. The investigation has been marked by claims of document tampering and procedural violations, prompting the court to delay bail hearings to address these concerns. As the scandal unfolds, the focus remains on the council’s financial governance and the integrity of its procurement processes, casting a shadow over Harare's local administration.
2024-07-26 12:05:06 *Obamas Endorse Kamala Harris For President* Barack Obama has endorsed Vice-President Kamala Harris to be the Democratic presidential nominee, ending days of speculation over whether he would support her. Join our *Ad-free* News Channel: Former President Obama and ex-First Lady Michelle Obama said in a joint statement that they believe Ms Harris has the "vision, the character, and the strength that this critical moment demands". Mr Obama was reportedly among more than 100 prominent Democrats Ms Harris spoke to after President Joe Biden announced last Sunday he was dropping out of the race. In a statement at the time, Mr Obama praised Mr Biden's exit, but stopped short of endorsing Ms Harris. The US vice-president has already secured the support of a majority of Democratic delegates, setting her on course to become the official nominee at the party convention in August. The Obamas said in Friday's statement that they could not be "more thrilled to endorse" Ms Harris. They vowed to do "everything we can" to elect her. "We agree with President Biden," said the couple's statement, "choosing Kamala was one of the best decisions he’s made. She has the resume to prove it." They cited her record as California’s attorney general, a US senator and then vice-president. "But Kamala has more than a resume," the statement continued. "She has the vision, the character, and the strength that this critical moment demands. "There is no doubt in our mind that Kamala Harris has exactly what it takes to win this election and deliver for the American people. "At a time when the stakes have never been higher, she gives us all reason to hope." The statement was accompanied by a video of Ms Harris taking a phone call from the Obamas in which they pledge their support. "Oh my goodness," says the vice-president in the clip. "Michelle, Barack, this means so much to me." Ms Harris has held a number of campaign events across the US in the days since Mr Biden withdrew from the race. On Thursday, she addressed the American Federation of Teachers union in Houston. While the event was billed as part of her vice-presidential duties, it had the air of a campaign rally, with loud applause and cheers from the audience. Echoing language used in campaign events on Tuesday and Wednesday, Ms Harris took aim at what she termed "extremist" Republicans and "failed" policies. “We want to ban assault weapons, and they want to ban books,” she said. On Thursday, Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump continued to pivot to assail his new rival. "Lyin' Kamala Harris is a radical left Marxist, and worse!" he said in a partially all-capital-letters post on his social media platform Truth Social. Trump also refused to commit to a televised debate with Ms Harris until she is officially confirmed as the party's nominee. He suggested Democrats were "still holding out for someone 'better'". *BBC*
2024-07-26 11:05:26 *Govt Cuts VAT On Meat, Reduces Presumptive Taxes To Ease Living Costs* In a bid to ease the high cost of living and bolster economic stability, the Zimbabwean government has announced significant fiscal measures, including the removal of value-added tax (VAT) on selected meat products and reductions in presumptive taxes. These changes were revealed by Finance, Economic Development, and Investment Promotion Minister Mthuli Ncube during his 2024 Mid-Year Budget Review Statement. ---------- To join our groups follow: --------- The move comes as the cost of living remains a pressing concern for many Zimbabweans, with the family basket reaching ZiG3,117 for a family of five last month. This high cost is attributed to fluctuating local and foreign currency prices. The government, aiming to counteract the expected 2% contraction in the economy—down from a 5.3% growth in 2023—is implementing these measures to enhance domestic tax compliance and promote the use of the ZiG. One major change is the removal of VAT on various meat products, including live cattle, pigs, goats, sheep, poultry meat, and kapenta. This decision is anticipated to lower meat prices and revive demand, which had dropped due to the previous tax. Minister Ncube explained that this exemption is intended to boost formal trade and support local businesses in the meat sector. Additionally, the government is slashing presumptive taxes for informal traders, small-scale miners, and other operators. Presumptive taxes are levied on informal sector activities, but compliant operators who maintain proper records and tax returns will now benefit from reduced rates. This adjustment is expected to encourage more informal businesses to comply with tax regulations, given the sector's substantial annual turnover of over US$14 billion. The government is also mandating that all user fees for government services be paid exclusively in local currency to promote the ZiG's use. This measure aims to curb money laundering and support the local economy. Furthermore, customs duties on selected products will also be paid in local currency to foster a stable currency environment. In addition to these fiscal measures, the government plans to introduce mandatory fiscalisation for domestic fuel sales starting November 2024. This initiative is designed to address issues related to fuel import under-declaration and misuse of in-transit facilities. The budget review also includes a revision of the Indigenisation and Empowerment Act to extend its scope, reserving more sectors for Zimbabwean businesses. Sectors such as haulage, logistics, and pharmaceutical retailing will now be included. To address transportation issues, the government has discontinued the urban mass transport system to focus on the recapitalisation of the Zimbabwe United Passenger Commission (Zupco), which will now be managed under the Mutapa Investment Fund. Overall, these measures are part of a broader strategy to stabilize the economy, encourage tax compliance, and promote the local currency amidst ongoing economic challenges.
2024-07-26 11:05:13 *Courts Grants Student Union Leader US$100 Bail* Zimbabwe National Students Union (Zinasu) president Emmanuel Sitima has been freed on US$100 bail. ---------- To join our groups follow: --------- Sutima briefly appeared before the Harare magistrate charged with criminal nuisance. He was not asked to plead and will be back in court on July 31 for his routine remand. According to the State, on the 27th of June 2024, Sitima in the company Philies Pikitayi, Dephine Gutsa, Simbarashe Blackson already arrested and others still at large gathered at the entrance of Harare Magistrates’ Court after Jameson Timba and 78 other members of the Citizens Coalition for Change [CCC] were denied bailed and started chanting slogans, holding placards whilst using abusive language. When they were ordered by the police to disperse they allegedly resisted which led to some being arrested and Sitima fleeing from the scene. Timba and 76 other activists were locked up on June 16 on allegations of unlawful gathering and disorderly conduct. The State alleges that Sitima “was identified in a video footage chanting songs and abusive words in the crowd at Harare Magistrate Court.” Prosecutors said some witnesses will testify against him *NewZW*
2024-07-26 11:05:02 *Multimillion Dollar Facelift: Zim Plants Trees, Clamps Down On Opposition Ahead Of SADC Summit In Harare* With new roads, villas for delegates, luxury coaches, new trees, and above all a call for a demonstration-free week, Zimbabwe is pulling out all stops to host the 44th ordinary SADC summit of heads of state and government in mid-August. Judging by the scale of the preparations, the government is counting on the event as a major image-building opportunity. ---------- To join our groups follow: --------- The summit is due to see President Emmerson Mnangagwa take over the leadership of the regional bloc from Zambia’s Hakainde Hichilema. The SADC chairpersonship is annual on a rotational basis, and for the military-backed regime in Harare, it is a big deal. “I commend the government and people of our country who are accelerating preparations and works related to the event,” Mnangagwa said on Tuesday at the burial of a national hero, retired Brigadier Michael Chaminuka. Zimbabwe last held the chair in 2014 under the late Robert Mugabe when the summit was held in the resort town of Victoria Falls. *Suppression Of Freedom* The summit slated for 17 and 18 August will be a week shy of Zimbabwe marking a year after the disputed general election SADC flagged as flawed. For the greater part of the year, the opposition has been weakened by internal fights, and the government has cracked down on dissent. There are at least 80 opposition activists in prison, facing charges of plotting to incite violence. Some of them stand accused of planning to demonstrate during the SADC summit. On Wednesday, 44 Zimbabwe National Students Union (Zinasu) activists were rounded up by the police in Belvedere, Harare. The police said violence erupted among the activists leading to their arrest. However, Zinasu said the police raided their meeting. They have since appeared in court. Amnesty International called on the authorities to “respect the freedom of assembly and association”. According to the latest report from the Zimbabwe Peace Project, between January and June, there were 3 137 victims of political violence in the country. Zanu-PF instigated more than 65% of the violence, the Zimbabwe Republic Police 9.73%, another 9% came from traditional leaders and the rest by numerous groups aligned to the ruling party. *Sprucing Up* More than US$207 million has been spent to give Harare and its satellite town, Mount Hampden, a facelift. Critics accuse the government of having misplaced priorities by spending so much money for a two-day event while hospitals go without medicines, among others lacking public services. The government funded a project to replace old streetlights, and major roads in the capital city have undergone resurfacing. Ahead of the SADC summit, informal vendors said they were being harassed to clear streets and give the city a clean image. Property owners along Airport Road, which leads to the city, were given until 31 July to improve the outlook of their properties. The main venue of the summit will be the Chinese-built and funded parliament building in Mount Hampden. In the same area, the government built 18 villas in three months. The plush houses were constructed by a Swiss firm, Mabetex Group, and will be used by high-profile delegates such as heads of state. The government said it had also bought two luxury buses that would ferry delegates to the venue. These buses were fitted with heated and massage sofas, wifi, a television set per seat, a kitchen and toilets. *News24*
2024-07-26 10:21:57 *Police, RBZ Launch Crackdown On Illegal Currency Traders* In a concerted effort to tackle the issue of illegal foreign currency trading, the Zimbabwean Police and the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe's Financial Intelligence Unit (FIU) have initiated a new crackdown across the country. The operation, which commenced this week, has already resulted in the arrest of numerous money changers, many of whom remain under interrogation pending court appearances. ---------- To join our groups follow: --------- National police spokesperson Commissioner Paul Nyathi confirmed the arrests and emphasized the focus of the operation. “This is an ongoing joint initiative between the police and the RBZ’s Financial Intelligence Unit. We are targeting individuals involved in illegal foreign currency trading and those using unofficial exchange rates,” Nyathi said. The crackdown also targets money changers disguised as airtime vendors and businesses, including supermarkets and pharmacies, that apply exorbitant rates in their transactions. Authorities are taking a hard stance against those operating on social media platforms for illegal currency trading. The public has been urged to report such activities to the National Complaints Desk via telephone at (0242) 703631 or WhatsApp at 0712 800 197. The current operation builds on earlier efforts that led to the arrest of 224 illegal money changers and the freezing of 90 bank accounts by May. Additionally, over 40 individuals faced fines for violating the Exchange Control Act. This intensified crackdown follows the introduction of the Zimbabwe Gold (ZiG) currency on April 5. Finance, Economic Development, and Investment Promotion Minister Professor Mthuli Ncube has reiterated the government’s commitment to curbing activities that undermine the new currency. On Wednesday, the government blacklisted 51 contractors found diverting payments to the illegal foreign currency parallel market. These companies will be barred from government contracts and dealings with associated entities. Professor Ncube stressed that these measures aim to enhance economic stability, restore confidence in the financial system, and create a more conducive business environment.
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2024-07-26 10:21:16 *UK Human Rights Activist Launches GoFundMe For CCC Activists In Detention* A human rights activist from the United Kingdom, Delina Mutyambizi, has initiated a GoFundMe campaign to support the 77 activists from the Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) who remain in remand prison following their arrest in June. The campaign aims to raise funds not only for the activists’ welfare but also to assist their families. ---------- To join our groups follow: --------- The arrest occurred on June 16 when CCC supporters were celebrating the Day of the African Child at the residence of top party official Jameson Timba in Avondale, Harare. Party officials report that the Zimbabwe Republic Police disrupted the event, leading to allegations of severe brutality. The police reportedly forced the detainees to march on their knees to the vehicles, causing numerous injuries. In her appeal, Mutyambizi stated, “My name is Delina Mutyambizi. I am a human rights activist based in the United Kingdom. I am appealing for your urgent help to support the Avondale 77, who were brutally and unjustly arrested for peacefully commemorating Africa Youth Day at the private residence of Senator Timba.” The activist emphasized the harsh conditions faced by the detainees, noting that some minors were present at the event. Although two children have been granted bail, a 12-month-old infant remains imprisoned with its mother. Critics argue that the government uses pre-trial detention as a means of suppressing dissent. According to a 2021 Open Society Foundations report, pre-trial detention is a severe measure that can have profound impacts on both individuals and their families. Mutyambizi’s campaign also reflects growing concerns over the Zimbabwean government’s crackdown on public gatherings, especially ahead of the upcoming Sadc summit. Recent measures have seen increased restrictions on public and private events, contributing to a tense environment for civil dissent.
2024-07-26 08:52:38 *Zim Foreign Currency Remittances Hit US$1,2 Billion* FOREIGN currency remittances surged by 16,5% to hit a record US$1,2 billion in the first half of 2024 leaving diasporans standing out as lucrative foreign currency earners for the economy. The latest stats were revealed by Finance Minister, Mthuli Ncube in the 2024 Mid-Term –Budget Review reflecting a very positive recovery. ---------- To join our groups follow: --------- “Remittances grew significantly by 16.5%, from US$1 billion in the first half of 2023 to US$1.2 billion in 2024, reflecting higher inward remittances from the diaspora, resulting in a favourable impact on the current account balance,” he said. The country has an estimated one to three million citizens living in South Africa, about 128 000 in the United Kingdom and many others across Europe credited for immense foreign currency inflows. During the year’s first half period, total foreign currency receipts increased by 9,5% to US$6,2 billion during the period from January to June 2024, from US$5,6 billion received during the same period in 2023, largely driven by the growth in export receipts. The seven main exports during the period from gold, agricultural commodities and manufactured products, as well as diaspora remittances. In line with this improvement in foreign currency receipts, preliminary estimates indicate that the current account recorded a surplus of US$19,2 million in the first half of 2024, a turnaround from the deficit of US$13,8 million recorded in the same period last year. To year-end, the current account surplus is projected to narrow to US$44.5 million in 2024, relative to a surplus of US$133.9 million recorded in 2023. *NewZW*
2024-07-26 08:30:36 *Dinha Grilled Over Food Aid Theft and Politicisation* On Wednesday, Deputy Minister of Public Service, Labour, and Social Welfare Mercy Dinha faced intense scrutiny in the National Assembly over allegations of food aid politicisation and theft involving suspected Zanu PF activists and traditional leaders. The allegations have been documented by human rights groups like the Zimbabwe Peace Project, highlighting that politically connected individuals have been siphoning off aid intended for drought victims. ---------- To join our groups follow: --------- The government’s food aid program, aimed at alleviating the impact of the El Niño-induced drought affecting over five million Zimbabweans, has come under fire as lawmakers demanded accountability from Dinha. Mashonaland West MP Mutsa Murombedzi questioned the measures in place to ensure that the aid reaches its intended recipients without political interference. “Maize meant for the vulnerable is being stolen, potentially costing lives,” Murombedzi said, urging for a more secure distribution system. In her response, Dinha assured that the government is committed to ensuring aid distribution is both efficient and transparent. She outlined several measures designed to combat inefficiencies and theft, including the formation of drought relief committees at various levels to oversee distribution. Traditional leaders are also involved to address grievances related to mismanagement. Dinha emphasized the use of the Food Deficit Mitigation Strategy manual, which guides the entire distribution process from beneficiary registration to aid delivery. Additionally, she highlighted the training provided to officials to enhance supply chain management, aiming to reduce pilferage and increase transparency. She encouraged community members to report any theft or political interference in the aid process, noting that reports would be acted upon, with legal consequences for offenders. To prevent theft, she added that no grain trucks leave Grain Marketing Board depots without police escorts, and aid is distributed during daylight hours to ensure visibility and accountability. President Emmerson Mnangagwa had previously declared the drought a national disaster, seeking US$3 billion in aid to address the crisis.
2024-07-26 04:34:14 *Judges’ Fury After Malaba Orders Them To Use Buses For Nyanga Retreat* Judges have been left fuming after they were forced to ride on buses for a trip to Nyanga on Thursday. The judges are attending an end-of-term retreat in Manicaland. ---------- To join our groups follow: --------- Chief Justice Luke Malaba directed that all judges would travel in two buses, one a 15-seater reserved for Constitutional Court judges and a 67-seater for the rest of the judges. ZimLive understands most of the judges were unhappy with the arrangement, as they would have preferred to drive. Judges were seen being dropped off by their drivers and hopping onto the buses at around 11AM on Thursday. One judge who spoke to ZimLive said: “We each have our own peculiarities. Some need more comfort breaks than others, imagine having to stop the whole bus for whatever personal reason! “And while in Nyanga, does it mean when one needs a bit of fresh air or they want to do some site seeing they must ask the bus driver to take them?” Judges are issued with two vehicles for their official use. Previously, they attended meetings of the Judicial Service Commission (JSC) by driving themselves after being given fuel coupons. “This bus travel impairs the personal dignity of judges. If at all a bus can be used, it should be available as an option to those that don’t want to drive,” the judge added. Putting all judges in one bus is a “grave security risk,” one senior lawyer said. He added: “God forbid the bus crashes, what happens to the justice system in Zimbabwe? This was not a well thought-out decision. Malaba and the JSC are treating judges almost like school children.” JSC secretary Walter Chikwana was unavailable for comment. *ZimLive*
2024-07-26 04:33:44 *...Opposition MPs Slam Mthuli Ncube's 2024 Budget Review As 'A Vicious Cycle'* THE 2024 Mid-term Budget Review Policy presentation by Finance Minister Mthuli Ncube has been described as a “vicious cycle” by opposition legislators who say there are no positive changes for “suffering citizens”. Speaking to after Ncube’s presentation at the new Parliament Building in Mt Hampden, Harare, opposition MPs said the review was not realistic. ---------- To join our groups follow: --------- The Treasury boss however believed it was well received. Some of the measures proposed included presumptive taxes being paid in ZiG, government fees for services paid in ZiG and if approved, companies will pay 50% of the corporate tax in local currency. Zanu PF MP and Budget and Finance Parly committee chair Clemence Chiduwa urged Ncube to speed up disbursements of the devolution funds. “This is very critical because we have seen a lot of development in rural areas. I urge the minister to release devolution funds. “There is concern on disbursement of BEAM Funds where an enhancement on that score is necessary,” Chiduwa said. Citizen Coalition for Change Dzivaresekwa MP Edwin Mushoriwa complained the debate on the budget review did not take place. “As members of the other side (opposition), we came prepared to debate but this did not happen. “We came prepared to ask the minister on quite several issues affecting citizens of this country that require us to ask the minister rather than to wait for August 20th, 2024,” he said. Mushoriwa added that it was so disturbing not to debate the budget as some of the announcements made by Ncube would come into effect and “affect business and consumers alike.” He added that Ncube had missed out on an opportunity to sort out Zimbabwe’s fiscal policy considering that “most fiscal measures were reversed within 10 days after the Finance bill was passed last December. “In January 2024, the minister reversed most of the fiscal measures that were contained in the Finance Bill. “Ncube did not address that. He did not articulate the ballooning debt where figures are rising and were not contained in the initial 2024 national budget. “The mid-term fiscal policy review does not talk to the current scenario” Another CCC MP Lynnette Karenyi-Kore said, “When he emphasised the use of the local currency, he then twisted his statements which show the USD will remain in use against the local currency. “Right now, people are complaining about loose money. Some shops are not accepting ZiG as we speak today. I do not see any positive change in trying to promote our local currency. “We want to see changes on the ground and not on paper alone,” Karenyi-Kore said. CCC Mbizo MP Corban Madzivanyika said the country’s ballooning debt of US$21 Billion will “add more salt to a wound” and Zimbabwe “cannot move forward with this kind of debt”. “This means people are born in debt. Why should we continue to mortgage the future generations in terms of debt?” Madzivanyika quizzed. *NewZW*
2024-07-26 04:33:31 *Finance Minister Delivers ‘Stingy’ Mid Term Review; Promotes Widespread ZiG Usage* Finance Minister Mthuli Ncube Thursday delivered a ‘stingy’ 2024 Mid Term Budget Review Statement, ignoring widespread calls to inject additional resources into critical departments while promoting the widespread usage of the ZiG currency. ---------- To join our groups follow: --------- Premised under the theme “Consolidating Economic Transformation” the Treasury chief rebased the initially approved expenditure for the 2024 Budget of ZW$58,2 trillion to a total envelope of ZiG87,9 billion. He revealed that in the first six months of the year, total expenditure exceeded earnings by ZiG2, 4 billion after spending ZiG 38,9 billion from total revenue collections amounting to ZiG36,5 billion. Despite initial calls by stakeholders in the run-up towards the Budget Review for Treasury to allocate additional resources towards the Welfare-related ministries like Health, Education, and Public Service, Ncube maintained a tight grip with no additional resources being allocated. The developments signal very tough times for the drought-ravaged nation which has also seen a recent Zimbabwe Livelihoods Assessment Committee (ZimLAC) 2024 report revealing that nationally, 22.3% of school-aged children are not attending school due to financial difficulties, early marriages, and pregnancies. Ncube pinned his hopes on the stability brought about by the recently introduced ZiG currency. “Revenue projections to year end stand at ZiG93,221 billion (22% of GDP), against expenditures of ZiG96,8 billion and a resultant deficit of ZiG5,6 billion “Since the introduction of the ZiG currency, the economy is experiencing relatively stable prices and exchange rates. In this regard, the fiscal policy thrust is sustaining the prevailing stable environment necessary for inclusive economic growth to achieve the objectives of the NDS 1 and Vision 2030,” he said. In a bid to spur the widespread acceptance of the local currency, the Treasury boss moved to propose the amendment of 50:50 Tax payment legislation. He said where a company’s revenue exceeds 50% in local currency, tax shall be payable proportionately in the currency of trade thereof. “To promote the circulation of the ZiG within banking channels, curtail practices of money laundering, thereby combating financing of terrorism, I propose payment of all Presumptive Taxes in local currency, regardless of currency of trade,” said Ncube. The payment of customs duty going forward will now be payable in local currency on selected products. *NewZW*
2024-07-25 20:05:14 *Biti Calls On SADC To Help Over 'Paranoid' Crackdown On Dissent In Zimbabwe* As Zimbabwe grapples with a worsening human rights crisis, marked by rampant abuses and the targeted arrest of dissenting voices, former Finance Minister Tendai Biti has called on the Southern African Development Community (SADC) to take immediate action and intervene in the beleaguered country. ---------- To join our groups follow: --------- This comes after the police on Wednesday arrested 44 members of the Zimbabwe National Students Union (ZINASU) at the ZESA Training Centre in Belvedere, Harare. While police spokesperson Commissioner Paul Nyathi states that the arrest followed the eruption of violence which resulted in the destruction of property, human rights activists including Biti believe that the arrest and assault of student leaders is a stark example of the Zimbabwean regime’s escalating human rights abuses, driven by paranoia and insecurity. Biti said that as the economy collapses, corruption soars, and the population grows restless, the regime’s grip on power is slipping. “The arrest and vicious assault of ZINASU student leaders is yet another blatant abuse of human rights by an increasingly paranoid insecure regime. “A collapsing economy, internal fissures, a restless population, and unprecedented corruption are pushing the regime to no point of return. “We condemn the excessive abuse of the State and the unmitigated attack on civil rights. SADC leaders must surely take note of the increasing democratic deficit and demand answers,” Biti noted. Biti has also demanded the immediate release of Jameson Timba, the interim leader of the opposition Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC), and 74 party activists, who were arrested on June 16 for allegedly holding an unsanctioned political gathering at Timba’s Avondale residence. Despite seeking bail, Timba and his 78 co-accused (initially arrested) have been denied freedom by both the Harare Magistrates’ and High Courts, resulting in their prolonged pre-trial detention, now exceeding 35 days. “We call for the release of the students, Jameson Timba and the 78 Avondale Detainees,” he said. The appeal for SADC to intervene in Zimbabwe comes just weeks ahead of the regional body’s upcoming visit to confer its chairmanship on President Mnangagwa. The 44th SADC Summit will be held from 8th to 18th August 2024 in Harare. *nehandaradio*
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2024-07-25 07:42:20 *Rural Teachers Union Slams Govt For Sacking Leader For “Missing Work”* The Amalgamated Rural Teachers Union of Zimbabwe (ARTUZ) has slammed the government’s “illegal and unilateral” dismissal of its leader Obert Masaraure from his teaching position. The dismissal follows a letter dated 30 March 2024 addressed to Masaraure from the Ministry of Primary and Secondary Education’s Provincial Education Director for Mashonaland East, Jube Ncube. ---------- To join our groups follow: --------- In the letter seen by, Ncube informed Masaraure of his dismissal on grounds of absence from duty. “It has been noted that your salary was ceased after you failed to report for duty. You did not, thereafter, come forward to claim your salary or avail yourself to your Head office to advise why you had failed or were failing to report for duty. You have still not reported for work to date. “You were thus absent from duty for a continuous period in excess of thirty days without having been granted leave of absence. “Through the minute referenced A/126/3C dated 30 May 2014, the Secretary discharged you from the service, in terms of section 63. (e) Of Statutory Instrument 1 of 2000 as amended, with effect from after duty on 24 May 2019 the last day you reported for duty”, wrote Ncube. In a statement by the ARTUZ Secretary General Robson Nikita Chere accused the government of neglecting the basic rights of workers in Zimbabwe. “The government of Zimbabwe, in the form of the Ministry of Primary and Secondary Education through the Public Service Commission has once again trampled on the basic rights of workers in Zimbabwe by illegally and unilaterally discharging Amalgamated Rural Teachers Union of Zimbabwe (ARTUZ) President from his teaching position. “The government employed the usual modus operandi of concocting strange non-existent charges against President Masaraure”. Chere further alleged that the government previously docked Masaraure’s salary for over 5 years before terminating his employment, leading to ARTUZ approaching the government to discuss the issue which didn’t come to play with “some powerful force” closing the doors for an engagement. “The government proceeded to cease the President’s salary for more than 5 years. We naturally pressed for the remuneration of the President only for the government to discharge him from his employment. “We on behalf of the Union tried to engage the employer over the issue. Our spirited efforts of engagement were stonewalled as staffers whom we met were hesitant and even afraid of engaging. Some powerful force was apparently leaning on them. Call it duress or undue influence if you like”, said Chere ARTUZ vowed to fight for the reversal of the “unlawful” letter categorized as a “piece of toilet paper”. Added Chere, “ARTUZ wishes to categorically and unequivocally reject, here and now, the illegal discharge of the President. We wish to make it clear, as we hereby do, that we will use all means necessary and unnecessary to fight and reverse this monumental injustice. “We will leave no stone unturned and no turn unstoned as we claim justice for the President. All legal apparatus have since been activated to correct this illegality. Let be known that all teachers in particular and all workers in general stand behind and with our Union President against this injustice. We will provide leadership and direction until Cde Masaraure is reinstated and restitution is effected. That is a promise. “We treat the unlawful discharge letter as another just piece of toilet paper have already used it in the rightful ablution facility and flush it to the sewage plant.” *NewZW*
2024-07-25 07:42:05 *Cottco Boss In Court For Stealing 1 000 Bags Of Fertiliser Under Presidential Inputs Scheme* FORMER Cotton Company of Zimbabwe (Cottco), Mutoko business unit manager Praise Makombore, was Wednesday taken to court charged with theft of trust property after she allegedly stole 1 000 bags of fertiliser which were under the presidential inputs scheme. Makombore appeared before Harare magistrate Marewanazvo Gofa who granted her US$300 bail. ---------- To join our groups follow: --------- She was also ordered to surrender her passport to the clerk of court as part of her bail conditions. According to the State, sometime last year during the year Makombore who was the custodian of the presidential inputs allegedly connived with Zinhle Ndlovu who is still at large to steal fertilisers meant for distribution to farmers in the Mutoko area. It is alleged that they planned to purport as if they had instructions to order the release of fertilizer for distribution to farmers. “On August 23 2023, Ndlovu instructed Moses Chibanda, a field assistant at Kotwa to release 1170 bags X 50 kgs of fertiliser purporting that she had received the instruction from the accused. “The fertiliser was then collected by two trucks without completing the necessary documentation. The trucks proceeded to a warehouse in Murehwa where the accused person’s car would be seen collecting the fertiliser on different occasions. “The accused person’s action resulted in Cottco losing 1170 bags x 50kgs of compound L fertilizers valued at US$42 120 and nothing was recovered,” the court heard. In count two it is alleged that between February 2022 to June 2023, Makombore contracted four vehicles to offer transportation services to Cottco. It is further alleged that the transporter who was contacted was registered as T Mutandiro and received payments using her husband Motifa Nzaraigono’s bank account without disclosing to Cottco that she held a personal interest in those transactions. *NewZW*
2024-07-25 07:41:51 *High Court Dismisses Application By Msasa Park, Chadcombe Homeowners* The High Court in Harare has dismissed a legal application by 840 homeowners in Msasa Park and Chadcombe, who sought to have their land transferred to their names without paying market value. The homeowners, represented by Paina Machidza and others, argued that the land had been donated to the Zanu PF Mukuvisi Tashinga district by Charles Mike, a former director of the party. ---------- To join our groups follow: --------- They claimed the donation, made on November 27, 2012, was intended to assist homeless party members and that the subsequent steps to engage the surveyor-general were initiated. However, Msasa Park (Pvt) Ltd, the respondent in the case, countered by asserting that the land was donated to the Zanu PF Harare province, not the Mukuvisi Tashinga district. The respondent presented an affidavit from Goodwill Masimirembwa, the Zanu PF Harare chairperson, who denied any association with the donation. In her ruling, Justice Emelia Muchawa noted that the application lacked sufficient supporting affidavits from the applicants, with only three affidavits being provided. Some applicants also claimed their signatures had been forged and stated that they had purchased their land from illegal land barons. These individuals expressed their willingness to regularize their occupancy by paying the rightful owner. Justice Muchawa concluded that the applicants lacked legal standing to bring the case, that their claim had expired, and that there were significant factual disputes that could not be resolved based on the provided documents. “The matter suffers from fatal flaws,” Justice Muchawa declared. “Accordingly, I order that the matter be and is hereby dismissed with costs.” The dismissal reinforces the complexity of land disputes and highlights the necessity for proper legal and procedural adherence in property claims.
2024-07-25 07:41:37 *ZPCS Assures Safety Of Children In Jail Amid Uproar Over CCC Activist’s Baby Behind Bars* THE Zimbabwe Prisons and Correctional Service (ZPCS) has assured the public of children’s safety in its facilities following an uproar over an opposition Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) activist’s year-old baby living in prison following the arrest of the mother. The child has been staying in prison with their mother, who was arrested on June 16 along with 79 other CCC activists for allegedly holding an unsanctioned gathering and engaging in disorderly conduct. ---------- To join our groups follow: --------- The child’s mother has not yet been convicted, sparking an uproar on social media, with many expressing their anger over the issue. Social media platforms, particularly X, are abuzz with the hashtags
2024-07-25 07:41:26 *Parliamentarians Push For Tougher Enforcement Amidst AG’s Damning Report* Zimbabwean parliamentarians are intensifying their efforts to address the misuse of public funds, following a critical report released last week by the Auditor-General (AG). The AG's report, which highlighted persistent governance issues, has spurred calls from legislators for more stringent enforcement of laws and penalties for those implicated in financial misconduct. ---------- To join our groups follow: --------- The AG’s latest report, analyzed during a meeting convened by the Zimbabwe Coalition on Debt and Development, revealed alarming deficiencies in financial oversight among local authorities. Of Zimbabwe’s 92 local authorities, only 19 had up-to-date financial statements as of December 2023, a marginal improvement from 17 in 2022. Additionally, last year, 27 ministries were found with arrears totaling ZWL$2.9 trillion and US$577 million, with no evidence of periodic reporting to the Treasury. Caston Matewu, representing Public Accounts Committee chairperson Charlton Hwende, emphasized that the committee is actively scrutinizing the financial affairs of government departments and local authorities. “Our job is to hold these entities accountable,” Matewu stated. “We provide recommendations and expect the law enforcement agencies to take appropriate action.” Energy Mutodi, chairperson of the Portfolio Committee on Justice, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs, highlighted the need for legislative reforms. “There is a necessity to review the Urban Councils Act and the Rural Councils Act to enhance accountability within local authorities,” Mutodi said. He also suggested the introduction of new laws to ensure timely audits and prevent reports from becoming outdated. Representatives from local authorities, such as Fatima Miti of the Urban Councils Association of Zimbabwe and Netsai Dzenga from the Association of Rural District Councils, defended their members, arguing that not all local authorities are failing. They attributed financial issues to challenges such as multiple reporting requirements and limited financial autonomy. Reuben Akili, director of the Combined Harare Residents Association, expressed frustration over the lack of enforcement despite the AG’s findings. “The issues highlighted in the AG’s reports have persisted for years with no action,” Akili lamented. “It’s time for those in the wrong to face legal consequences.” Socio-economic justice activist Mukasiri Sibanda underscored the importance of audits, likening them to a health checklist that reflects the government's control and governance standards. “An audit is a crucial tool for demonstrating effective governance and accountability,” Sibanda asserted.
2024-07-25 07:41:14 *Zimbabwe Sables Storm Rugby Africa Cup Final After Gallant Victory Over Namibia* Zimbabwe Sables have knocked out Namibia from the Rugby Africa Cup following a 32-10 victory in the semi-final played at Nelson Mandela Stadium Namboole in Uganda. Heading to this match, Namibia had won the Rugby African Title six times in a row but Zimbabwe staged a comeback to book Algeria in the final. ---------- To join our groups follow: --------- Namibia bagged the first three-pointer through Dan Burger, but Zimbabwe had a perfect response, grabbing the opening try following a crosskick by Ian Prior to find unmarked Edward Sigauke, who scored the opening try of the match. The try was converted for a 7-0 lead The Sables struck again when a kick by winger Takudzwa Musingwini bounced into the hands of Brandon Mudzekenyedzi, who scored under the posts. The try was converted by Prior for a 14-3 lead. The Zimbabweans maintained their lead going into the break, and in the second half, they picked up from where they left off, gaining an advantage when Namibia lost a front rower to a yellow card. Zimbabwe landed the third try early in the second half, with Prior releasing a long pass to Tino Mavesere, who gave a short pass to fullback Tapiwa Mafura for a try in the 47th minute. Mafura was the provider of the fourth try as he raced from his own 22, fended off one marker, sold two dummies, and set up the supporting Mudzekenyedzi to push the scores to a 26-3 lead. Zimbabwe added two three-pointers for a 32-10 lead. Namibia managed to land a center-post try and converted it, but the gap was too wide for them to close. Namibia has now booked a date against Kenya in the third place playoff. **
2024-07-25 07:41:03 *Finance Ministry Blacklists 51 Govt Suppliers For Trading On Black Market* The Treasury has blacklisted 51 government contractors for trading on the black market after receiving payments in local currency. The Treasury boss said the decision is in line with the government’s efforts to stabilise the economy and spur growth. ---------- To join our groups follow: --------- “Government has blacklisted fifty-one contractors for unlawfully diverting funds received for payments for goods and services to the illegal foreign currency parallel market. “This action has been taken in pursuit of the Government’s continued efforts to improve economic stability and restore confidence in the financial system,” he said. Ncube added that the blacklisted companies have been under the scrutiny of the Financial Intelligence Unit since July 18 2022 which monitored high-value government contracts to sniff out illegal foreign currency dealings perpetrators. “The government remains committed to improving the economy and will continue to monitor developments in the market. The continued implementation of the Value For Money principle in government has realised savings that have enabled the implementation of programmes and projects that benefit citizens,” he said. *NewZW*
2024-07-25 07:40:49 *State Sets Trial Date For Timba & CCC Activists* The State has scheduled July 29 as the start date for the trial of Jameson Timba, a prominent member of the Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC), and 76 other party activists. The group, currently in remand prison for over five weeks, has been awaiting trial after their bail applications were denied by both the magistrates' court and the High Court. ---------- To join our groups follow: --------- The 77 individuals face charges related to alleged gatherings "with intent to promote violence." They were arrested on June 16 at Timba’s residence in Avondale, Harare, while marking the Day of the African Child, according to CCC officials. Prosecutor Thomas Chanakira has instructed the accused to return to court on the scheduled date for the commencement of their trial, following the completion of investigations. The case was discussed virtually by Harare magistrate Dennis Mangosi. The accused, including Timba, are represented by legal team members Agency Gumbo, Lazarus Mbereko, Jeremiah Bamu, and Webster Jiti. The case has drawn significant attention, highlighting ongoing tensions between opposition groups and the State.
2024-07-25 04:35:26 *Students Union Says 40 Beaten, Arrested While Attending General Council Meeting* SEVERAL students were left nursing serious injuries Wednesday after the Zimbabwe Republic Police disrupted their gathering in Harare. Members of the Zimbabwe National Students Union (ZINASU) were holding their general council when riot police officers disrupted the gathering. ---------- To join our groups follow: --------- During the raid, more than 60 students were reportedly beaten before being taken into police custody. ZINASU spokesperson Tatenda Kutsirayi told that some students were released after paying fines, but their leader Emmanuel Sitima is still detained by the police. “We were having a general council meeting in which all general councillors of ZINASU from across the country attended. The council meeting was disrupted by the Police militantly. Over 45 students were arrested. Most of them were forced to pay fines. “The national president Sitimah is still detained at Harare Central police station. We have a lot of students who suffered severe injuries, some cracked bones,” said Kutsirayi. The arrests of ZINASU members follow the detention of several Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) members in June, who were apprehended after holding a meeting at a private residence in Harare. These actions have sparked outrage from the opposition supporters who accused President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s administration of cracking down on dissenting voices. Kutsirayi said the arrest of the ZINASU members points to the shrinking of the democratic space in the country. “It clearly shows that the civic space has been confirmed sealed and completely shattered by the regime in Harare,” he said. ZRP spokesperson, Commissioner Paul Nyathi said the arrest emanated from the violence that had erupted at the council meeting. He added that the students of destroying infrastructure at the ZESA training center where the meeting was held. “The Police were only called in after violence erupted amongst the ZINASU group. The violence led to the destruction of ZESA and State property. “As a result, Police were called in to come and maintain law and order. This is on record and can be confirmed by ZESA officials. “The Zimbabwe Republic Police therefore dismisses a statement by human rights lawyers and civic organizations as well as social media posts alleging that it is the Zimbabwe Republic Police which caused the violence,” said Nyathi. *NewZW*
2024-07-25 04:35:14 *Kereke Fails In Bid To Beat US$400,000 Fraud Charge Over Sale Of Hospital* A Harare court has dismissed an application by child rapist and former Bikita West MP Munyaradzi Kereke to be removed from remand in his US$400,000 fraud trial. Kereke – currently serving a jail sentence for raping his niece – had argued that prosecutors were taking too long to wrap up his prosecution, but magistrate Marewanazvo Gofa said he should have directed his application to the High Court. ---------- To join our groups follow: --------- The magistrate ruled on Wednesday: “The applicant is seeking to be removed from remand since the state has failed to prosecute him on time. The state argued that the remands were justified since he is facing a serious case and that his removal from remand is prejudicial to the complainant. “It is only the High Court in terms of the High Court law which has the discretion to entertain cases of this nature. In short, the accused has not made any application to deal with referrals to the Constitutional Court and this court dismisses this application for lack of jurisdiction.” In his application, Kereke argued that his arrest was politically motivated. He is charged together with suspended Harare Municipal Medical Aid Society (HMMAS) chief executive officer Everisto Rukasha. The National Prosecuting Authority argues that sometime in 2014, Rukasha and Kereke signed an agreement where the latter would sell his Fortress Hospital to HMMAS for US$800,000. Kereke allegedly appointed Newton Madzika, the managing director of Health Body Images, to do the transaction on his behalf. On November 7, 2014, HMMAS met its obligation by paying the full purchase price of US$800,000. Days later, Kereke allegedly connived with Rukasha and wrote to HMMAS misrepresenting that the medical aid society still owed him US$400,000, and the fund paid him US$120,000 before the accounts department questioned the payment, leading to his arrest. Kereke maintains that the sale of the hospital was done by a panel of 15 board members hence there was no way any fraudulent act could have happened. *ZimLive*
2024-07-25 04:34:56 *Harare Town Clerk Arrested Over US$9,2 Million Street Lights Tender Illegally Awarded To Moses Mpofu* Harare Town Clerk Hosiah Chisango has been arrested on allegations of illegally awarding a US$9,2 million street lights tender to businessman Moses Mpofu who is currently locked up over another botched Presidential Goat Scheme. The Zimbabwe Anti-Corruption Commission confirmed his arrest adding that the city boss will be appearing in court on Thursday. ---------- To join our groups follow: --------- His suspected accomplices also city officials were arrested two weeks ago. “Allegations are that Chisango acted in connivance with four other officials who are already in custody and awarded a street lights tender worth over US$9,2 million to Juluka Enndo Joint Venture, a company owned by businessman Moses Mpofu without following the due process,” said ZACC in a statement. Accomplices already on remand are Never Murerwa (62), Jabulani Mukomazi (44), Denford Zhungu (69) and Tawanda Mutenhabundo (29). Murerwa and Mukomazi are employed by the City of Harare in the Procurement Management Unit as Manager Supply Chain and Principal Buyer respectively. Zhungu and Mutenhabundo are also employed by the City of Harare as Principal Accountant and Engineering Technician respectively, but during the material time, they were members of the tender evaluation committee which adjudicated on tender number COH/DOW/S.5/2024 for the refurbishment of streetlights on various roads within Harare. It is alleged that in January 2024, the City of Harare embarked on a rehabilitation of street lighting along Harare roads in preparation for the 44th Southern African Development Committee Summit (SADC) which will be held in August 2024 in Harare, Zimbabwe. The group used this opportunity to push a deal for Mpofu despite that his company did not meet the needed requirements. Eleven companies which include Donax Enterprises (Pvt) Ltd, Ship Tracks (Pvt) Ltd, Furbank Trading (Pvt) Ltd, Radiation Incorporation (Pvt) Ltd, Slowgrad Engineering (Pvt) Ltd, Syvern Investments (Pvt) Ltd, Onel Electrical Engineers (Pvt) Ltd, Boltgas International (Pvt) Ltd, Stoyna Computers (Pvt) Ltd, Juluka Ennd Joint Venture (Pvt) Ltd and Exodus & Company (Pvt) Ltd had responded to the tender. *NewZW*
2024-07-24 12:52:59 *The Planet Saw Its Hottest Day on Record* Sunday was the hottest day in recorded history, according to preliminary data from a climate tracking agency monitoring temperatures since the mid-1900s. Join our *Ad-free* News Channel: It’s the second consecutive year average global temperatures have crashed through shocking climate records and will not be the last, as planet-warming fossil fuel pollution drives temperatures to shocking new highs. July 21 clocked in at 17.09 degrees Celsius, or 62.76 Fahrenheit, and was the hottest day on Earth since at least 1940, according to the preliminary data from the European Union’s Copernicus Climate Change Service. Global average temperatures typically peak during the Northern Hemisphere summer, between late June and early August. Sunday’s record came as many countries endure prolonged and brutal heat waves. Around a hundred cities across the US are experiencing their hottest start to summer on record, and swaths of southern Europe have been grappling with triple-digit temperatures. Despite being based on data from the mid-20th century, the temperature records represent the warmest period the planet has seen in at least 100,000 years, scientists have found from many millennia of climate data extracted from ice cores and coral reefs. Global climate records are typically broken by tiny fractions of a degree, as was the case with this one: Sunday’s temperature was just 0.01 degrees Celsius above 2023’s record. What’s jarring is the warmest global temperatures were significantly cooler by about 0.3 degrees before 2023. “We are now in truly uncharted territory and as the climate keeps warming, we are bound to see new records being broken in future months and years,” said Carlo Buontempo, director of Copernicus. These recent records are “truly straggering,” Buontempo said. “We are now in truly uncharted territory and as the climate keeps warming, we are bound to see new records being broken in future months and years.” Global temperatures fluctuate based on natural factors: seasons, large-scale climate patterns and solar activity — and on unnatural factors: the pollution from human activity, including the burning of fossil fuels, which is chiefly driving the planet’s temperature steadily upward. Scientists pegged last year’s record to the coincidence of El Niño, a natural climate pattern in the Pacific ocean with a warming effect, and fossil fuel pollution, which is trapping heat in the Earth’s atmosphere. This year’s record comes as El Niño is disappearing and transitioning to its cool La Niña phase, underscoring the significant influence of the human-caused climate crisis. The sudden rise in global temperatures is linked to abnormal heat in large parts of Antarctica, according to the Copernicus analysis. The rapid warming of this vast, icy continent is a trend that is alarming scientists given the region’s ability to drive catastrophic sea level rise.
2024-07-24 12:09:12 *South Africa To Consult Over Fate Of Long-term Zimbabwe Migrants* South Africa’s Department of Home Affairs plans to start consultations over the fate of about 230 000 migrants from Zimbabwe and Lesotho after a court thwarted its attempt to deport them. The department will now hold consultations without a “pre-determined outcome,” Leon Schreiber, who was appointed as home affairs minister late last month, said in an interview Wednesday. ---------- To join our groups follow: --------- The presence of migrants in South Africa is a fraught political issue in a country with an unemployment rate of more than 30% and a government that’s struggled to supply basic services. The country has been hit by periodic xenophobic riots since 2008 and the decision to end the special permits for those Zimbabwean and Lesotho nationals had been portrayed by some critics as an attempt to bolster support for the then ruling party, the African National Congress. The court told us “you can’t have a pre-determined outcome and then retroactively pretend to consult,” said Schreiber, a member of the Democratic Alliance, which is in a ruling coalition with the ANC following May 29 elections. “We need to actually see what works for South Africa and what works for the affected people.” Schreiber’s predecessor, Aaron Motsoaledi, had in 2021 set in motion a process that would force the migrants, most of whom have had the right to live and work in South Africa since 2009, to apply for other categories of work permits, which most would not qualify for, or leave the country. That led to a legal battle that culminated in the department losing an appeal in the Constitutional Court in June. The 2009 decision to allow the Zimbabweans to stay in the country legally was based on that country’s economic collapse and there has been little improvement since. Today, the 178 000 Zimbabweans who benefited from that decision along with many hundreds of thousands of documented and undocumented migrants from the country work in a variety of occupations in the country ranging from chief executive officers to gardeners and waiters. The Lesotho Exemption Permit was implemented in 2016 because of what the department described as a “socio-economic” crisis in that country. Currently those under the permits are legally allowed to remain in the country until November 29 next year. *Bloomberg*
2024-07-24 12:09:00 *US fintech Mercury Bank Sets August Deadline For Account Closure, Includes Zim In Prohibited List* Mercury Bank, a fintech based in the United States offering banking services to more than 100,000 early-stage startups, has included Nigeria in a list of countries restricted from opening and operating accounts on its platform. With this development, businesses and individuals living in Nigeria can no longer open new accounts or conduct transactions using the fintech with affected accounts to be closed by August 22, 2024. ---------- To join our groups follow: --------- The affected African countries include Burundi, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Republic of Congo, The Congo, Liberia, Libya, Mali, Mozambique, Somalia, South Sudan, Sudan, and Zimbabwe. Furthermore, the bank will no longer serve companies whose founders have passports from the following non African countries – Cuba, Iran, North Korea, Syria, Ukraine, and Venezuela. Affected users remain uncertain about the reasons behind this development. However, the fintech confirmed via email that it no longer supports accounts for businesses located in certain countries due to recent adjustments in its eligibility criteria. This development has prompted reactions from users. “Mercury closed my accounts too even with founders living in the US. No proper process or appeal, just carry your money and go if you have ties to Nigeria,” Akintunde Sultan, Co-founder of Altschool Africa reacted on X highlighting that the exact policy that led to the development was not properly explained. The US-based fintech has previously taken action to restrict its usage by African tech startups. In March 2022, it blocked the accounts of several African startups without warning notices or clear reasons. Meanwhile, the CEO, Immad Akhund, confirmed that the bank was acting in compliance with internal procedures. Sola Akindolu, the former CEO of Brass, a Nigerian startup previously noted that African startups often rely on US companies because it’s the top way to raise money or access most things as many investors are hesitant to invest in a non-US company. He confirmed that being incorporated in the US makes it easier for African startups to raise money and Mercury enables them to open a US bank account without actually being in the US. *NewZW*
2024-07-24 12:08:47 *Zimbabwe Sees Surge In Chinese Nationals, 25 000 Already In The Country* Zimbabwe is experiencing a surge in Chinese investment and immigration, with thousands of nationals flocking to the country for business opportunities, according to Minister of Home Affairs and Cultural Heritage, Kazembe Kazembe. Kazembe addressed Parliament on the recent influx of Chinese investors and nationals in Zimbabwe. ---------- To join our groups follow: --------- According to the Minister, the Department of Immigration receives approximately 50 investor permit applications and 445 temporary employment permit applications from Chinese nationals monthly. These applications are processed based on authentic travel and identity documents, with any discrepancies verified through respective Embassies. The Minister expressed satisfaction with the cooperation received from the Chinese Embassy in verifying documents. Those found ineligible to stay in Zimbabwe are required to leave the country, as with all foreign nationals. Pre-COVID, there was a notable surge in Sino-African migration, with an estimated 25,000 Chinese nationals currently residing in Zimbabwe. This influx is largely attributed to the country’s vast mining opportunities. To enhance border management, the immigration department is implementing an online border management system (OBMS). This system will enable the department to account for all foreign nationals residing in the country. The Minister urged anyone aware of foreign nationals without genuine documents to come forward and inform the authorities, ensuring appropriate action is taken. “Post COVID, we now have an estimated 25 000 Chinese nationals in Zimbabwe. This is in response to the vast mining opportunities that Zimbabwe is presenting to the world. “The immigration department is also implementing a new and improved online border management system, the OBMS, which will enable the department to account for all foreign nationals residing in the country. “However, if there are any foreign nationals who are in the country without genuine documents, members are free to come forward and inform us and appropriate action will be taken,” the Minister noted. After removing late former President Robert Mugabe from power through a military coup in November 2017, President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s government quickly adopted the “Look East” policy as a strategic initiative aimed at strengthening Zimbabwe’s economic and political ties with Asian countries, particularly China. The policy seeks to diversify Zimbabwe’s economic partnerships, reduce dependence on Western nations, and attract foreign investment from the East. Through this policy, Zimbabwe aims to leverage Asia’s growing economic influence, access new markets, and secure funding for infrastructure development, agriculture, and mining projects. As a result of this policy, Chinese nationals have been flocking to Zimbabwe to benefit from the vast mineral resources that the country has. Last week, two Chinese nationals were deported from Zimbabwe after being involved in the abuse of a mine worker at Makanga Mine in Bindura. The incident came to light after a video circulated showing the worker being tied up and suspended from a loader bucket. In a post on his Twitter handle, Nick Mangwana, Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Information, Publicity and Broadcasting Services, confirmed the deportation, stating: ‘The two foreign nationals involved in this abuse, as depicted in a video that went viral, were deported today (Wednesday).’ **
2024-07-24 12:08:37 *Cabinet Approves Major Upgrade For Chirundu Border Post* In a significant move aimed at enhancing infrastructure, the Cabinet has given the green light to a public-private partnership between the Ministry of Transport and Infrastructural Development and Chirundu Border Consortium for the upgrade and modernization of the Chirundu One Stop Border Post. Information Minister Jenfan Muswere announced this decision during a post-Cabinet briefing yesterday. ---------- To join our groups follow: --------- Under the approved plan, the project will follow a build, operate, own, and transfer (BOOT) model, extending over 20 years. Chirundu Border Consortium will take charge of renovating existing border post facilities, constructing new buildings, weighbridges, roads, and parking lots. The project, which has an estimated cost of US$66.8 million, will be fully funded by the Consortium in line with the government’s policy to encourage private sector involvement in infrastructure development. In other news, Muswere provided updates on the upcoming Heroes Day celebrations. He noted that the total number of national heroes and heroines stands at 213, with 198 interred at the national shrine. The National Honours and Awards Conferment Ceremony, usually held on May 14, will be combined with the Heroes Day commemoration this year due to scheduling conflicts. Starting next year, however, the conferment ceremony will be held separately on the designated date, with the nomination process already in progress. Additionally, Cabinet reviewed progress on the Accelerated Irrigation Rehabilitation and Development Plan, aimed at bolstering national food security and rural modernization. The plan has led to a significant increase in irrigable land, from an average of 487 hectares per year between 1980 and 2019 to 9,600 hectares per year in the 2019-2024 period, highlighting a major stride in agricultural development.
2024-07-24 12:08:27 *Zanu PF Youth League Slams Mutsvangwa Over Chiwenga Diatribe* Zanu PF youth league political commissar Taurai Kandishaya has slammed Christopher Mutsvangwa over the party spokesperson’s recent claims Vice President Constantino Chiwenga was not ordained successor to President Emmerson Mnangagwa. Mutsvangwa was weekend quoted in the media dismissing common believe that Chiwenga is the presumptive successor to Mnangagwa, who completes his second and final term in 2028. ---------- To join our groups follow: --------- Chiwenga, then military general, led the famous coup against late former President Robert Mugabe in 2017 with wide beliefs the two had reached a pact that would allow Chiwenga to succeed Mnangagwa. Mnangagwa said recently that he will not seek a third term and was planning to “go and rest” at the completion of his term. He did not mention if he had a preferred successor. Mutsvangwa said Zanu PF is “not a church where people can be anointed, and the president is not the Pope or the Archbishop of Canterbury who anoint priests”. He added, “If you think you’re worth it, go and sell yourself to the people. If you clamour for anointment by the president, it means you have failed the litmus test of being a Zanu PF leader.” The outspoken politician also said “Zanu PF is not a secret society and there is no secret agreement on succession. People are going to vote their leaders from the grassroots level”, adding that Mnangagwa does not have the power to unilaterally endorse a preferred candidate to succeed him. His comments have elicited fury within the Zanu PF youth league which see the senior politician as acting out of sync with the ruling party’s code of conduct. “We don’t discuss succession with the media in Zanu PF; there are laid down procedures,” Kandishaya said in interviews with the state broadcaster, ZBC on Tuesday. “Infact, in Zanu PF, almost everything that we do is procedural; we have the constitution of the party, we have a code of conduct and we have the ideology of Zanu PF. “So everything that is done in Zanu PF must be found within the four corners of the ideology; the ideology is then supported by the constitution of the party. “So, this is not an issue where one can just be seen or heard out there discussing about it. That’s unprocedural.” *ZimLive*
2024-07-24 12:08:13 *Zimbabwe, Ethiopia Lead As Africa Records 2,960 Cyber Attacks Weekly* Ethiopia, Zimbabwe, and South Africa led other countries in the region as Africa experienced the highest average weekly cyberattacks per organisation in Q2 2024, with an average of 2,960 attacks, marking a 37 per cent increase compared to the same period in 2023. Check Point Research (CPR), which revealed this in its Global Threat Index for June 2024, noted that with a Normalised Risk Index (NRI) of 99.0, Ethiopia holds the top spot for the most attacked country on the continent and second worldwide. Zimbabwe follows closely at third place globally NRI of 78.1. ---------- To join our groups follow: --------- Indeed, out of the 112 countries ranked globally, the report puts South Africa in the 61st position. At 112th, Egypt ranked as the least attacked country in the world. CheckPoint observed that despite ongoing efforts to bolster defences, the dynamic and evolving threat landscape continues to pose significant risks. In June 2024, the top malware families impacting Africa included Phorpiex, infamous for orchestrating large-scale spam campaigns, particularly active in Mozambique, Nigeria and Zimbabwe. According to it, another is Expiro, a polymorphic file infector that steals user and system information, compromising data integrity across Nigeria and Zimbabwe. Further on the report, while Latin America saw the most significant rise, with attacks increasing by 53 per cent year-over-year to an average of 2,667 per week. The Asia-Pacific (APAC) region followed with a 23 per cent increase, highlighting the global spread of cyber threats. This is even as cyberattacks are on the rise globally, with a 30 per cent increase in weekly attacks on corporate networks in the period under review compared to Q2 2023, and a 25 per cent rise compared to Q1 2024. The CPR noted that with an average of 1,636 attacks per organisation per week, the relentless onslaught of attacks underscores the growing sophistication and persistence of threat actors. It stressed that several cyber threat trends are all happening at once. For instance, the CPR disclosed that the education and research industry has consistently been a prime target for cybercriminals due to its wealth of sensitive information and often inadequate cyber security measures made further complex by multiple groups of online users within and outside of the network expanding the attack vector surface. The research said the education/research sector was the number one most attacked industry globally, seeing a 53 per cent increase in Q2 2024 compared to Q2 2023, with an average of 3,341 attacks per organization every week. According to it, government/military was the second most attacked sector with 2,084 attacks per week, reflecting the high stakes involved in state-level cyber espionage and disruption. Looking back at cyber attacks for the Healthcare sector in Q2, the survey said healthcare organisations saw an average of 1,999 weekly attacks per organisation, which was 15 per cent higher than last year. It stressed that hackers like to target hospitals because they perceive them as short on cyber security resources with smaller hospitals particularly vulnerable, as they are underfunded and understaffed to handle a sophisticated cyber attack. Ranking third out of all sectors for the most cyber attacks globally, healthcare is so lucrative to hackers because they aim to retrieve health insurance information, medical records numbers and, sometimes, even social security numbers. Further, the Hardware Vendor industry experienced the largest increase in attacks, with a dramatic rise of 183 per cent. This surge underscores the expanding target range of cyber criminals as they seek to exploit vulnerabilities across various sectors. More on the regions, the CPR informed that in Q2 2024, ransomware attacks that involved public extortion were reported showing a 13 per cent year-over-year increase, totalling approximately 1,200 incidents. North America was the hardest hit, comprising 58 per cent of all reported ransomware attacks, despite a slight three per cent decrease from the previous year. Europe experienced 19 per cent of the incidents, marking a notable 28 per cent decrease, while the APAC region saw the largest increase with a 38 per cent surge, accounting for 16 per cent of the attacks *NewZW*
2024-07-24 11:19:35 *Fierce Unionist Obert Masaraure Dismissed From His Teaching Job* Firebrand unionist and human rights campaigner Obert Masaraure has summarily been dismissed from his job as a schoolteacher. The Amalgamated Teachers Union of Zimbabwe (ARTUZ) president revealed his dismissal in a Tuesday post on X. ---------- To join our groups follow: --------- “Today I received a summary dismissal from my teaching post. The letter dated 30 March was pregnant with lies, but because no one accorded me right to be heard they acted on falsehoods,” he said. “I have served government since May 2014 and they chose to just terminate my contract.” The activist condemned his dismissal, saying it ran against the national spirit of reversing the continued shortage of schoolteachers. “It’s so heart wrenching that we have a serious shortage of STEM teachers. Some of us are willing to serve under the difficult working conditions. The ruling elites choose to invest anything and everything to block us from teaching. They are punishing learners not me. We won’t allow it,” he said. As a unionist, Masaraure has given government sleepless nights through relentless demands for better working conditions for the country’s educators. Under the ARTUZ banner, he has organised several protests to press for improved wages. Outside union business, Masaraure has been a cutting-edge activist who has been at the forefront of continued demands for human rights in the country under Zanu PF. A fearless activist, Masaraure has however taken as much as he has given as the state has targeted him for retributive action which involve arrests and torture. His dismissal has invited condemnation, with opposition politician Gift Ostallos Siziba saying he was merely a victim of his aggressive activism. “ARTUZ President Masaraure is a STEM teacher in a country that is losing teachers leaving the country due to poor remuneration,” Siziba said. “The regime has expelled him without due process. This is the challenge with the regime in Harare. Instead of addressing the issues raised by the teachers and civil servants it decides to punish their representatives. We have to wage a collective fight! “ Equally, Pashor Raphael Sibanda, another opposition politician and former MP, described Masaraure’s dismissal as a “grave injustice” adding, “our nation cannot afford to lose teachers due to politically motivated actions.”
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