Make your car reflect your personality: How to add that feminine touch to your car

Technology / Motors

Make your car reflect your personality: How to add that feminine touch to your car

by Staff Writer



Photo by Godisable Jacob from Pexels

There is always that one person who always chooses to stand out from the rest. Instead of getting that same old car vibe, have fun with your car like how you enjoy playing top real money casinos games.

Make your car look and feel like the person that you are inside and out. It is those little things that help give people an idea of who you are.

Here are tips on how any woman can make her car reflect her personality.

Make Your Car Reflect Your Personality through Colour

A person’s favourite colour can actually reflect who they are. Make your car reflect your personality by giving it that colour which best describes who you are.

For example if you are the bubbly girly type then you can go for bright colours. Specifically; pink, sky blue, yellow, orange and lime are such examples which can help make your reflect your personality.

On the other hand, if you are the serious type then maybe you can try colours that are a bit dark and mystic. For example, you can choose the dark but still womanly colours like purple or burgundy.

Get Stickers and Accessories

Always choose the accessories that will make your car reflect your personality. For example, you can get an “I Love Cats” sticker if you are more of a cat person.

Also, if you are the edgy type you can get that girlish heart sticker vibes but with a flame or skulls that are in a colour that will help make your car reflect your personality.

For accessories, you can place a cat on the dashboard of your car, others can even add jelly beads with the colours  or meilleur casino en ligne de France that best suits their personalities.

Add Your Favorited Fragrance

The fragrance is one of the most unique things that can help to make your car reflect your personality.
You can simply spray your favourite perfume on your colourful seat covers. Also, if it is too strong you can buy a body or room mist which you feel will make your car feel like you.


Your car is your pride and joy. One of the things that help to set you apart from the rest. Therefore always try to make your car reflect your personality.

Source – Byo24news


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