‘Chengetai Mai naBaba’…Chivayo Spoils Dads, Father-In-Law

Trending Zanu PF benefactor and Harare businessman Wicknell Chivayo has splashed another half a million dollars on close family, a deflection from his recent trend of rewarding musicians loyal to the ruling party, Nhau/Indaba has established.

Chivayo splashed US$450 000 on six brand new Ford Ranger Wiltrax 3.0d V6 top-of-the-range vehicles for his father-in-law and five of his fathers over the weekend.

While social media is ablaze with comments criticising or supporting his gesture to reward Zanu PF loyalist musicians, Chivayo says he will not be swayed from his extravagant spending spree by those going against his “calling or purpose”.

“CHARITY BEGINS AT HOME…last week was a great week for me as I watched so many celebrate and receive their WELL DESERVED GIFTS…I will not be swayed or wrongly influenced by NAYSAYERS that want to go against my calling or purpose…Out of those who celebrated where my 5 beloved Father’s JOSEPH CHIVAYO , WICKNELL CHIVAYO (my sazita), HERBERT CHIVAYO, NAISON CHIVAYO and my amazing Father in-law DR DAVID MADZIKANDA. At a very reasonable cost of 90 thousand USD each for the top of the range BRAND NEW FORD RANGER WILTRAX 3.0d V6 , I must say this was the best 450 thousand dollars I spent this year. The feeling is just priceless , My Father’s are just wonderful people and not any one of them has ever discouraged me of my love for the people. I bought so many other people cars before them and not sense of entitlement whatsoever instead they kept supporting the good work and reminded me that’s why our totem tichinzi vana CHIRERA NHERERA VANO RERA NE DZISI DZAVO. They all knew their turn would come one day…Ndokuti vana BABA ka uku VANA CHIRANDU CHE GONO GANYAMATOPE MUTUPO URI MUDANGA MASHAYA CHIRASHWA…Na Tezvara vang ndaka bvuma KUTI NDIRI MUKWASHA vakandi berekera chido che moyo so he also has to feel the difference kuti vakaroorerwa ne SHOROMA…🤣🤣🤣…CHENGETAI MAI NA BABA…🙏🙏🙏,”he said through his Facebook handle Monday morning.

In the last few days he gifted contemporary musician Jah Prayzah with a 2023 Mercedes Benz 4matic worth US$180 000 and dendera kingpin Suluman Chimbetu with a 2022 Mercedes Benz GLE300d.

Within days he rewarded Bulawayo Ward 20 councillor, musician-cum politician, Sandra Ndebele with a new Mercedes Benz GLE400D.

Lastly, on Saturday he gifted Mbare-based entertainer Arnold Kamudyariwa popularly known as DJ Fantan with a Mercedes Benz GLE350d 4matic worth US$90 000.

This was for their “consistent support” of Zanu PF during the campaign period towards last year’s harmonised elections. Nhau/Indaba

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